Tim Stack
SRC Holdings Corp.
Throughout his 17-year career helping grow multiple SRC divisions in Springfield, Missouri, Tim has brought his passion for giving the employee-owners of the business the financial and operational information they need to make the best possible decisions for the company and themselves. As a Certified internal Great Game of Business Coach, Tim relies on the principles of the Game—Know and Teach the Rules, Follow the Action, and Share a Stake in the Outcome—to help guide the three divisions he’s currently responsible for: SRC Logistics, SRC Technologies Group, and SRC of Lexington.
As a credit to his deep knowledge of both the Game and the SRC culture, Tim was named to SRC’s Board of Directors in 2024. He serves on SRC’s ESOP Committee as an ESOP trustee, the Board of SRC Logistics, Illinois, the Board of Directors of Guaranty Bank, and the Board of Advisors for SRC of Lexington and The Generosity Collective.
But Tim’s SRC career almost didn’t happen. As a native of Springfield, he headed about as far away as one could get when he enrolled in college in Arizona. After earning a degree in supply chain management, he moved east to take his first job working for the Kansas City Southern Railroad. It wasn’t long before Tim, as an avid outdoorsman and fisherman, recognized that his hometown wasn’t such a bad place to settle down after all.
These days, Tim’s bass boat rarely sees that water as he chooses to spend his free time with his wife, Megan, and three young children: his daughters, Ellie and Lucy, and his son, Weller.